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Unfold the Potential of Galaxy Fold Devices with WindowManager’s Rear Display Mode

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Samsung Galaxy Fold devices have taken the mobile industry by storm, offering users a revolutionary way to interact with their applications. One of their key features is the rear display mode that enables users to continue their tasks seamlessly on the cover display while the main display remains turned off. Jetpack WindowManager has introduced APIs to enable this mode programmatically, and starting from One UI 6.0, developers can now utilize these APIs to integrate rear display mode into their applications, enhancing usability and maximizing the potential of foldable devices.


In this blog post, we dive deeper into implementing Jetpack WindowManager's rear display mode in a camera application. By leveraging this mode, users can take selfies with superior image quality using the rear camera instead of the front camera. Join us as we explore the exciting possibilities of foldable technology and uncover how to optimize your applications for the Samsung Galaxy Fold.

You can download the sample camera application here.

(623.3 KB) Sep 26, 2024

Step 1: Add the WindowManager library into the project

WindowManager, a Jetpack library introduced by Google, supports rear display mode starting from version 1.2.0-beta03. To add the WindowManager library, go to Gradle Scripts > build.gradle (Module: app) and enter the following to the dependencies block:

implementation "androidx.window:window:1.3.0"

Step 2: Implement the WindowAreaSessionCallback interface in MainActivity.kt

The WindowAreaSessionCallback interface updates an Activity about when the WindowAreaSession is started and ended. Using the onSessionStarted method, this interface provides the current WindowAreaSession as soon as a new window session is started.

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() , WindowAreaSessionCallback {


   override fun onSessionEnded(t: Throwable?) {
      if(t != null) {
      println("Something was broken: ${t.message}")
   override fun onSessionStarted(session: WindowAreaSession) {


Step 3: Declare variables

The WindowAreaController provides information about the moving windows between the cover display and the main display of the Galaxy Fold device.

The WindowAreaSession interface provides an active window session in the onSessionStarted method.

WindowAreaInfo represents the current state of a window area. It provides a token which is used later to activate rear display mode.

WindowAreaCapability.Status represents the availability and capability status of the window area defined by the WindowAreaInfo object. We utilize this status to change the UI of our application. The status of the Galaxy Fold device can be one of the following:

  1. WINDOW_AREA_STATUS_ACTIVE: if the cover display is currently active.

  2. WINDOW_AREA_STATUS_AVAILABLE: if the cover display is available to be enabled.

  3. WINDOW_AREA_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE: if the cover display is currently not available to be enabled.

  4. WINDOW_AREA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED: if the Galaxy Fold device is running on Android 13 or lower.

private lateinit var windowAreaController: WindowAreaController
private var windowAreaSession: WindowAreaSession? = null
private var windowAreaInfo: WindowAreaInfo? = null
private var capabilityStatus: WindowAreaCapability.Status = WindowAreaCapability.Status.WINDOW_AREA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED
private val operation = WindowAreaCapability.Operation.OPERATION_TRANSFER_ACTIVITY_TO_AREA

Step 4: Create an instance of WindowAreaController in the onCreate method

windowAreaController = WindowAreaController.getOrCreate()

Step 5: Set up a flow to get information from WindowAreaController

In the onCreate() method, add a lifecycle-aware coroutine to query the list of available WindowAreaInfo objects and their status. The coroutine executes each time the lifecycle starts.

lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
   lifecycle.repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) {
         .map { info -> info.firstOrNull { it.type == WindowAreaInfo.Type.TYPE_REAR_FACING } }
         .onEach { info -> windowAreaInfo = info }
         .map { it?.getCapability(operation)?.status ?: WindowAreaCapability.Status.WINDOW_AREA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED }
         .collect {
            capabilityStatus = it

Step 6: Update the UI according to the device's WindowAreaCapability.Status

private fun updateUI() {
   if(windowAreaSession != null) {
      viewBinding.switchScreenButton.isEnabled = true
   } else {
      when(capabilityStatus) {
         WindowAreaCapability.Status.WINDOW_AREA_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED -> {
            viewBinding.switchScreenButton.isEnabled = false
            Toast.makeText(baseContext, "RearDisplay is not supported on this device", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
         WindowAreaCapability.Status.WINDOW_AREA_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE -> {
            viewBinding.switchScreenButton.isEnabled = false
            Toast.makeText(baseContext, "RearDisplay is not currently available", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
         WindowAreaCapability.Status.WINDOW_AREA_STATUS_AVAILABLE -> {
            viewBinding.switchScreenButton.isEnabled = true
         WindowAreaCapability.Status.WINDOW_AREA_STATUS_ACTIVE -> {
            viewBinding.switchScreenButton.isEnabled = true
            Toast.makeText(baseContext, "RearDisplay is currently active", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
         else -> {
            viewBinding.switchScreenButton.isEnabled = false
            Toast.makeText(baseContext, "RearDisplay status is unknown", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

Step 7: Toggle to rear display mode with WindowAreaController

Close the session if it is already active, otherwise start a transfer session to move the MainActivity to the window area identified by the token.

While activating rear display mode, the system creates a dialog to request the user’s permission to allow the application to switch screens. This dialog is not customizable.

private fun toggleRearDisplayMode() {
   if(capabilityStatus == WindowAreaCapability.Status.WINDOW_AREA_STATUS_ACTIVE) {
      if(windowAreaSession == null) {
         windowAreaSession = windowAreaInfo?.getActiveSession(
   } else {
      windowAreaInfo?.token?.let { token ->
            token = token,
            activity = this,
            executor = displayExecutor,
            windowAreaSessionCallback = this

Step 8: Start the camera preview

Call startCamera() when onSessionStarted is triggered by the WindowAreaSessionCallback interface.

override fun onSessionStarted(session: WindowAreaSession) {

Step 9: Add a button and set a listener to it for activating rear display mode

   app:layout_constraintStart_toEndOf="@id/vertical_centerline" />

Incorporating rear display mode into your application can significantly enhance user experience by providing more intuitive control and greater flexibility. By following the outlined steps, you can create a more dynamic and user-friendly interface. As technology continues to evolve, staying ahead with features like rear display mode can set your application apart and offer users a seamless, professional-quality experience. To learn more about developing applications for Galaxy Foldable devices, visit: developer.samsung.com/galaxy-z.

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      “Playing The First Descendant on the Odyssey monitor with HDR10+ GAMING allows you to experience the game’s vivid, high-quality graphics at their best”
      – Junhwan Kim, Lead programmer, Engine Program team, Nexon Games
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      Q. Can you tell us about your role in developing The First Descendant and how you contributed to the game’s creation?
      Kim: I’m responsible for the game engine. I develop the software that integrates essential elements like graphics, sound and physics engines, make them work seamlessly together.
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      ▲ Sinwook works on the design for the city of Albion, a key area in ‘The First Descendant,’ using the Odyssey OLED G8. The monitor’s consistent colors and detailed contrast has helped bring out the intricate design elements.
      Q. As a game developer, what do you consider the most important factors in creating a visually immersive gaming experience?
      Kim: A high-quality display is crucial to accurately present the game’s graphics and visuals. Today’s gaming standards demand seamless gameplay with vibrant graphics, high frame rates, detailed resolutions and minimal input lag. To fully experience these advancements, it’s crucial to use a gaming monitor with high resolution, a wide color gamut and fast response times.
      As part of our collaboration with Samsung, I received the Odyssey OLED G8 during the development of The First Descendant, and what stood out to me was the monitor’s awesome display quality — color accuracy, expressions and its quick response time. The monitor delivers colors and contrast with a high level of precision, which was crucial for developing the game. The 0.03ms (GTG) response time made a noticeable difference during our demonstrations as well.1
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      – Wi Sinwook, Lead World Concept Artist, Environmental Concept Design team, Nexon Games
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      ▲ Sinwook builds out the background concept designs for ‘The First Descendant’ using the Odyssey OLED G8.
      Q. Other than picture quality, were there any other the Odyssey OLED G8 features that stood out when you were working on and demonstrating the game?
      Kim: The First Descendant is a multi-platform game, available on PC (Steam) and consoles. The fact that the Odyssey OLED G8 supports up to three external inputs,2 was especially helpful when we were testing across the different platforms. The sleek, metal design also saved space and complemented the game’s sci-fi aesthetic.

      ▲ Junhwan demonstrates the console version of ‘The First Descendant’ on the Odyssey OLED G8. The Odyssey OLED G8 offers enhanced convenience with 2 HDMI 2.1 ports, 1 DisplayPort 1.4 and a USB hub.
      Wi: Working on the design and demonstrating the game on the Odyssey OLED G8, I found the gameplay smoother and more comfortable compared to my previous monitor. The colors and contrast were balanced and accurate, even on the big screen.
      I also really appreciated the ability to switch the screen ratio between 16:9 and 21:9 with just a single setting change. Normally, I avoid wide monitors due to the viewing angle, but the Odyssey OLED G8 made it convenient to switch between ratios for different tasks — 16:9 for working and 21:9 for demonstrating the game. The big advantage is that you get two distinct display experiences with a single monitor.
      ▲ The Odyssey OLED G8’s Game Bar allows users to switch between 21:9 and 16:9 screen ratios, enabling them to enjoy games in their preferred ratio.
      “The fact that the Odyssey OLED G8 supports up to three external inputs, was especially helpful when we were testing across platforms like PCs and different consoles”
      – Junhwan Kim, Lead Programmer, Engine Program team, Nexon Games
      Q. What features of the Odyssey OLED G8 do you think will elevate the experience for The First Descendant players?
      Kim: The First Descendant is the world’s first HDR10+ GAMING title. We collaborated with Samsung to implement this technology in our game, optimizing peak brightness of the monitor and supporting standard HDR without the need for manual adjustments.3 Playing The First Descendant on the Odyssey monitor with HDR10+ GAMING allows you to experience the game’s vivid, high-quality graphics at their best.
      * HDR10+ GAMING: A gaming technology that enhances image quality by analyzing game content to enhance the depth of graphics and supporting features like response time and Auto HDR.
      ▲ The Odyssey OLED G8 supports HDR10+ GAMING, allowing gamers to enjoy an optimized HDR gaming experience without manual adjustments in supported titles. ‘The First Descendant’ is the first game to feature HDR10+ GAMING technology.
      Wi: Unlike my previous monitor, where colors near the edges tended to darken, the Odyssey OLED G8 maintained consistent brightness across the entire screen. The thin frame and bezel also made it easier to focus on the game.

      ▲ The Odyssey OLED G8’s slim metal design and Core Lighting+ on the back enhance user immersion and create a stylish gaming space.
      Kim: I also found the Game Bar feature to be helpful. When the Odyssey OLED G8 is connected to a PC or console, it automatically calls up the Game Bar. Selecting FPS mode in the Game Bar brightens dark areas in the game, giving you an advantage over hidden enemies. Also, the sound becomes richer, further enhancing the immersion.
      ▲ (Left) Default Game Bar settings without a selected genre, (Right) FPS genre selected in Game Bar.
      Q. Any final words for The First Descendant players?
      Kim: If you’re a fan of The First Descendant, or any third-person shooter (TPS) game with high-quality graphics, the Odyssey OLED G8 is an excellent choice. It has high refresh rate, wide color gamut and fast response time, which really enhance the gaming experience.
      Wi: I’ve always debated between choosing a monitor with high resolution and refresh rate for gameplay versus one with accurate colors and contrast for development. The Odyssey OLED G8 meets both needs perfectly, so I can confidently recommend it to any gamer…or developer!

      1 Based on GtG measured under internal test conditions. Results may vary by content, monitor settings and the performance of the input source.
      2 Supports 2 HDMI 2.1 cables, one Display Port 1.4 and three USB 3.0 ports (1 Up, 2 Down)
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      1 Samsung tied with 1 other brands for service experience.
      2 Samsung Electronics American Consumer Market Insights, Customer Care Foundational Learnings — March 2024
      3 Coverage includes 99.9% of delivery zip codes (excluding P.O. box, APO/FPO/DPO) by our largest retailer; in-warranty service only.
      4 Utilizes AI-based formulas.
      5 Powered by Tizen, the Samsung Gaming Hub is an all-in-one game streaming discovery platform bridging hardware and software for a better player experience. Instantly play thousands of games from Xbox, NVIDIA GeForce NOW, Amazon Luna, Utomik, Antstream Arcade and Blacknut Cloud Gaming. The Samsung Gaming Hub is the new home for gaming and entertainment with Twitch, Spotify and YouTube Gaming integration that gives players easy access to enhance their experience. No storage limits, no downloads, no console or PC required – all players need is a Bluetooth-enabled gaming controller and internet connection to start playing.
      6 Personal data includes input Pin codes and passwords, and IoT device information through the SmartThings app. The latest software update is required.
      7 Samsung tied with 1 other refrigerator brand.
      8 Available on RF23DB9900. As of March 2024, AI Vision Inside can recognize 33 food items like fresh fruits and veggies. Recognizable food items will be regularly added and updated. If the food is covered by hand and not recognizable, it may be listed as an unknown item, but the user can always revise the item title through the Family Hub or SmartThings. Wi-Fi connection and Samsung account required.
      9 Messages with cycle suggestions are displayed on the control panel or a smartphone with the SmartThings app; available on Android and iOS devices. A Wi-Fi connection and a Samsung account are required. Can be applied on Towels, AI Opti Wash & AI Optimal Dry, Heavy Duty, Super Speed, Small Load cycle only when the selected washing temperature is ‘hot’. Based on internal testing with IEC 8lb load except for Small Load cycle (IEC 4lb load). Results may vary depending on the actual usage conditions.
      10 Samsung tied with one other mobile app for home appliances.
      11 Available on Android and iOS devices. A Wi-Fi connection and a Samsung account are required.
      12 After IVR does the initial triage with the customer, AI analyzes the intent and passes info along to the Care agent to better address the need. IVR continuously learns and improves its accuracy over time, enabling our agents to support customers more quickly.
      13 Coverage includes 99.9% of delivery zip codes (excluding P.O. box, APO/FPO/DPO) by our largest retailer; in-warranty service only.
      View the full article
    • By Samsung Newsroom
      “The Odyssey OLED G8 was incredibly helpful for discussions with the art team, allowing us to discuss colors and expressions in greater detail”
      – Hwang Junha, Dungeon Lead, ‘Solo Leveling:ARISE’
      In the world of game production, transforming a popular story into an immersive, interactive experience is both a challenge and an art. Solo Leveling:ARISE,1 the first game adaptation of the Solo Leveling franchise—which has captivated millions with over 14.3 billion views globally—is a prime example of this transformation. As the gaming industry pushes the boundaries of visual storytelling, the technology behind the screen plays a crucial role in bringing these dynamic universes to life.
      To explore this fusion of creativity and technology, Samsung Newsroom spoke with the developers behind Solo Leveling:ARISE. They shared insights into how they captured the webtoon’s intense action and stylish visuals in the game, and how the Odyssey OLED G8 has been instrumental in this process.
      Founded in 2000, Netmarble has become a leader in Korea’s gaming industry, fueled by innovative strategies and strong partnerships with third-party studios. Since 2012, the company has made its mark in mobile gaming with popular titles like Modoo Marble, Seven Knights, and Solo Leveling:ARISE. Building on its success at home, Netmarble is now expanding its global reach, delivering engaging gaming experiences to players around the world.  
      “[With the Odyssey OLED G8,] I could see attack animations more clearly, which helped me dodge more precisely. I also noticed effects and background details that I’d missed before.”
      Kim JaeSeong, Combat Balance Part, ‘Solo Leveling:ARISE’
      ▲ (From left) Hwang Junha, Dungeon Lead, and Kim JaeSeong, Combat Balance Part, at Netmarble Neo, the developer of Netmarble’s ‘Solo Leveling:ARISE’
      Q. What are your roles in developing Solo Leveling:ARISE?
      Junha: I’m responsible for creating the dungeons and monsters in Solo Leveling:ARISE. This includes designing the environments where battles take place and developing the monsters-players encounter. Essentially, I establish the game’s META to ensure players have a rewarding and engaging combat experience.
      * META: An acronym for “Most Effective Tactics Available,” representing the optimal strategies or approaches used by players in a game.
      JaeSeong: I’m in charge of combat balance. My role is to allow players to craft their own combat styles by combining various elements like weapons, skills, hunters, and shadows. Players will enjoy the combination-dependent controls and actions, as well as the variety of buffs and debuffs that grant characters and enemies, which further enhance their attacks to clear dungeons and tricky bosses.
      ▲ With the Odyssey OLED G8, JaeSeong reviews the dynamic environments and monster designs, ensuring that each battle scene delivers a visually stunning and immersive experience.
      Q. Can you give us an overview of Solo Leveling:ARISE? What was your main focus in developing the game?
      Junha: Solo Leveling:ARISE is an action RPG based on Solo Leveling, the popular webtoon. We strived to stay true to the original work while at the same time leveraging our expertise to enhance the experience with high-quality action scenes and cinematic cut scenes, immersing players in a way that only a game can.
      JaeSeong: Given the popularity of the original work, our goal was to faithfully capture each character’s unique combat style as depicted in the webtoon. In the game, we allow players to experiment with different skills and weapons. Additionally, we wanted to offer something special, so we included new, original content and behind-the-scenes stories that weren’t in the webtoon. This adds a fresh dimension to the game, enhancing the overall experience.
      ▲ (From left) Shadow Igris, hunters Cha Hae-In, Sung Jinwoo, Choi Jong-In and shadow Tusk in ‘Solo Leveling:ARISE’ (Image courtesy of Netmarble)
      Junha: For Solo Leveling:ARISE, we wanted fast-paced combat and the freedom to pursue a variety of fighting styles. The goal was to avoid a one-size-fits-all approach and enable players to adapt their strategies based on the boss or challenge they’re facing.
      JaeSeong: Our focus was on balancing the different characters, monsters, and dungeons to offer diverse combat experiences. For each character, we added specific skills and combos in addition to their unique abilities from the original series. The challenge was to maintain balance by tweaking attack ranges, damage rates, and speed to make combat more engaging, especially when playing as a team.
      Q. As a game developer, what do you think are the most important elements of the gaming environment for players? Did the Odyssey OLED G8 sufficiently deliver during development and playtesting?
      JaeSeong: In the RPG action game Solo Leveling:ARISE, players rely heavily on visual information like character movements and the detailed environments during combat. Therefore, having a display that can clearly present this information is crucial. A large monitor, in particular, enhances the visibility of character motions and provides a broader field of view, helping you catch every detail during intense battles.
      The Odyssey OLED G8’s wide screen and high resolution made it easy to catch even the smallest details in the game. This helps gamers play better, too. For instance, I could see attack animations more clearly, which helped me dodge more precisely. I also noticed effects and background details that I’d missed before. 
      ▲ The monitor’s 4K OLED screen provides clear, vibrant visuals, allowing developers and the art team to fine-tune colors and expressions for smoother gameplay.
      Junha: An outstanding monitor like the Odyssey OLED G8 that has great contrast and vibrant colors can really bring out the game’s unique art style, whether you’re exploring gates or summoning shadows. The Odyssey OLED G8 proved its value in the game development process. The 4K OLED’s clear images and wide color gamut were incredibly helpful for discussions with the art team on character effects, allowing us to discuss colors and expressions in greater detail.
      Q. What other aspects are important for action-based RPGs?
      JaeSeong: A high refresh rate is key for smooth gameplay. It ensures that the screen transitions are seamless, without tearing or stuttering, which reduces eye strain and makes for a more fluid and enjoyable gaming experience.
      ▲ JaeSeong uses the Odyssey OLED G8 to monitor gameplay performance and fine-tunes combat mechanics, ensuring smooth and immersive action sequence.
      Junha: To fully experience the intense combat and character animations in Solo Leveling:ARISE, you need a monitor with fast response time and high resolution. The high refresh rate of the Odyssey OLED G8 made combat in Solo Leveling:ARISE feel seamless and smooth.
      Q. What features of the Odyssey OLED G8 would you recommend to Solo Leveling:ARISE players?
      Junha: The Odyssey OLED G8 has a lot going for it, but what really stood out to me was the OLED Glare-free feature. Other monitors that use anti-reflection films usually end up dulling colors. This monitor, on the other hand, reduces glare while keeping the image vibrant and clear.
      ▲ Junha gives an overview of how the game allows players to choose their own playstyle, enabling them to adapt strategies to different bosses and challenges. The OLED Glare-free feature reduces glare while maintaining vibrant and clear colors, ensuring an optimal experience without compromising image quality.
      Also, the Dynamic Black Equalizer feature really helps in dark dungeons, making hidden details easier to spot and enhancing the overall gaming experience. I highly recommend players take advantage of this feature to elevate their gaming experience and enjoy every detail.
      * OLED Glare-free: A UL-verified technology that reduces glare from external light sources and provides a screen that is 54% less glossy than conventional Anti-Reflection film.2
      * Dynamic Black Equalizer: A feature that analyzes the brightness of game scenes and adjusts sharpness, saturation, and black details automatically, while improving visibility in dark areas, allowing for more detailed black levels.

      ▲ The Dynamic Black Equalizer enhances visibility in dark areas by automatically adjusting sharpness, saturation and black details for a more immersive gaming experience.
      JaeSeong: One feature I think players will find super useful is the Game Bar. By selecting the genre you’re playing, the Game Bar automatically optimizes picture quality and sound for that specific genre. According to the selected genre, the display’s brightness is adjusted for better visibility and it delivers richer sound, which really pulls you deeper into the game.

      ▲ The Game Bar optimizes picture quality and sound based on the selected genre, adjusting brightness and enhancing sound to create a more immersive gaming experience.
      Q. Any final thoughts for players enjoying Solo Leveling:ARISE?
      Junha: I hope you get to fully immerse yourself in the amazing art and combat of Solo Leveling:ARISE with a gaming monitor that supports a high refresh rate and resolution. The Odyssey OLED G8, with its 4K 240Hz display and fast response time, is an excellent choice for this game.3
      JaeSeong: The Odyssey OLED G8’s gaming features make it a great pick for smooth, immersive gameplay. My advice is to experiment with different strategies and combat styles in Solo Leveling:ARISE, to find your own playstyle and really get the most out of the experience.
      1 ⓒ DUBU (REDICE STUDIO), Chugong, h-goon 2018 / D&C MEDIA ⓒ Netmarble Corp. & Netmarble Neo Inc. All Rights Reserved.
      2 Based on internal test results.
      3 Refresh rate may vary based on the performance of the input source.
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    • By Samsung Newsroom
      Samsung Electronics today announced that seven models1 in its 2024 Neo QLED and QLED lineup are the first in the industry to receive both the True Cinema Black and HDR Brightness Accuracy certifications from Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker (VDE), a leading German electrical engineering certification institute.
      “Technology continues to advance, enabling us to deliver an unmatched cinematic experience right in our customers’ homes,” said Yongjae Kim, Executive Vice President and Deputy Head of R&D Team, Visual Display Business. “We are committed to setting the highest standards for picture quality in both high-resolution and big-screen TVs, and we are proud that our Neo QLED TVs have earned these industry-first certifications from VDE.”
      Bringing Film Colors to Life
      Six of Samsung’s 2024 Neo QLED 8K and 4K models, as well as one QLED 4K model, obtain industry’s first HDR Brightness Accuracy certification. This certification assures that these models accurately reproduce the brightness levels of HDR content, staying true to HDR standards and delivering picture quality that closely matches what the human eye perceives.2
      HDR technology enhances both the bright and dark areas of an image, providing detailed and realistic visuals that bring films to life. Whether in a living room, bedroom, office or kitchen, Samsung’s Neo QLED and QLED TVs offer customers the opportunity to enjoy exceptional cinematic quality in any environment.
      Elevating the Home Viewing Experience
      These seven models in Samsung’s 2024 Neo QLED and QLED lineup have also set a new benchmark in home entertainment by becoming the first to earn the True Cinema Black certification,3 which highlights the exceptional local dimming performance. The TVs are capable of transforming wide aspect ratio films into a 4:3 format, fitting the screen precisely without any light blooming, thus preserving the cinematic integrity.
      The certification is based on strict evaluations of black levels in the Letterbox area of the screen, ensuring that these areas remain deep and immersive when viewing official footage from the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) — within the guidelines of the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA®). The superior local dimming performance eliminates unwanted light interference, allowing viewers to experience movies as they were intended, with deep blacks and vivid details, akin to a theater experience.
      Samsung’s commitment to innovation and quality has led to the development of TVs that meet the highest standards in the industry. With the True Cinema Black and HDR Brightness Accuracy certifications, the 2024 Neo QLED lineup are poised to deliver an unparalleled home viewing experience so users can enjoy world-class picture quality in any setting.
      1 Neo QLED 8K (QN900D, QN800D, QN990C), Neo QLED 4K (QN95D, QN90D, QN87D/QN88D, QN85D), QLED(Q80D, Q80C). Applied models may vary by region.
      2 HDR Brightness Accuracy is the cumulative change compared to the PQ standard within the range of 0 to 1,000 nits in HDR.
      3 True Cinema Black is the average black level of the letterbox area of ​​HDR video using ASC footage.
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