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sqlite3.dll load on z2 fails on z4

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Hi Guys\Gals,

so this time I tried to make a build for "Tizen Z4" device, and this time the application failed to load sqlite3.dll library which (same tpk) when I try to run in "Tizen Z2", it works.

Error: DllNotFoundException: sqlite3.dll

Description\LogFiles: No Description

Even though I have the DLL file inside my project as you can see the build works in Z2 but somehow the build is not working for Z4.




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      ▲ “Falls, Brazil (2000)”, Stuart Franklin
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      This photograph was taken in late 1999 on commission for the article titled Celebrations of Earth — published in January 2000 as the opening story of the new millennium. Due to the mist formed by the water thundering down the waterfall, the morning light stayed soft for quite a long time, which gave me enough chances to make several exposures from different vantage points. Also, Polaroid films that fit my camera were easy to buy back then to help me out in trials before making the actual exposures.
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