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Mahesh Gadhe

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  1. Hi I have a Samsung professional digital signage display device (TV) where I manually download and install the app through the web app address. Instead, I want the app to auto-update. If I replace the previously installed file with a new one, the device should automatically detect the new version, download, and install it without any manual interaction.
  2. Hi everyone, I’m having trouble launching an app on Tizen 5.0 of 55'' inch. There are no error messages or logs; the app tries to start but then says it failed to open, even though it was successfully downloaded and installed. Any help would be appreciated. find the below attached ss for reference (details of model)
  3. As sometimes date and time for tizen tv is not correct so is there any way to set system date and time from app through code
  4. my tizen app is working fine on tizen 4 same is not working on tizen 7 when i am trying to install the app i am getting this: Unable to install .please try again later .if the problem persist, reinstall the application from the install web app menu or install from usb device menu and try again. what will be the issue for this as I am not able to install the app on tizen os 7
  5. <article> <div><img id="imageTag" src=""></div> <div><video id="videoTag" onended="onVideoEnded();" src=""></video></div> <!--<div id="YoutubePlayer" width="600" height="400" src="" frameborder="0" sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms allow-top-navigation" style="z-index: 1;"></div>--> <div style="position:fixed; top:50%; left:50%; transform:translate(-50%, -50%); z-index:999;"> <div id="YoutubePlayer" style="width:600px; height:400px;"></div> </div> </article> As to play the youtube video we need to use the youtube iframe, we are facing challenge here. When the youtube video plays on the TV, we lose control over app and hence next video as per CMS does not play. Same happens vice versa i.e when a video from CMS starts playing we are not able to play youtube video if it is next in the list.
  6. Hello All I am one issue : In menu of tizen tv there are two options in display orienatation onscreen menu and source content orientation when i am changing the orientation for onscreen menu the content is also getting changed means when i changed onscreen menu orientation to potrait the source content orientation is also getting changed
  7. Hello everyone. I have one issue ... I want to delete files which are not present in response API from downloader folder of tizen device I have tries using tizen.system.resolve but has it is asynchronous call but it is not working
  8. As in my tizen tv I am trying to implement youtube videos and web url should be displayed one by one but issue is both youtube videos and web url are opening in browser and not working in iframe Give any solution

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